Friday, July 15, 2005

The Libro-con

Check it out - I think there is a new social-political animal lurking on the horizon - we'll call it the "libro-con." The libro-con has his own internal logic that may appear contradictory to an outsider. I'll explain, using myself as an example. One the one hand:
  • I (like all libro-cons) live in a blue state
  • I don't shop at Wal Mart
  • I enjoy academia and I feel comfortable in a university setting
  • I am into health food and I enjoy short-grain brown rice and eat only whole wheat bread (and most importantly, I appreciate the aesthetic side of quality vegetarian eating, though I am not a vegetarian myself)
  • I have eclectic tastes in music and enjoy even the most pretentious art-jazz
  • And (which I think is the clincher) I listen regularly to NPR and although I disagree with almost everything they say, I still enjoy the programming and topics they discuss. I even find the arrogant monotone somewhat soothing.
However, in stark contrast to these socio-cultural leanings that seem to so blatantly label me as an arrogant Northeastern liberal:
  • I am a social conservative in regards to most issues
  • I am super pro-Israel
  • I would consider myself a hawk
  • I am pro-God and pro-religion
I am sure I am not alone out there either. I think Northeastern liberal centers (like New York and Boston) are secretly teeming with libro-cons. We go to cafes and we spend way too much money for the aesthetically hip coffee we are drinking, and we enjoy the alternative, avant-guard tunes blasting in the background. But if you listen to our conversations we probably spewing something right wing and radical (if we aren't discussing the latest issue of the New Yorker).

My fellow libro-cons, identify yourselves - we can start our own webpages, pretentious magazines, print bumper stickers, form societies, launch a hip political party - the sky's the limit.

The libro-con - the new breed of conservative with good taste.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Isaac Moses said...

All of the elements you listed under "liberal" are lifestyle attributes that have very little to do with idealogy, and much more to do with aesthetics and personal needs. There's no reason that those with a liberal idealogy should feel that they have a monopoly on certain elements of culture, geography, and cuisine.

11:11 AM  

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