Sunday, July 17, 2005

It can't happen here

There is a movement within Protestant Churches, mostly in the US, to divest from Israel. So far the list includes:
  • The Presbyterian Church-USA
  • The World Council of Churches
  • The United Methodist Church
  • The Episcopal Church
  • The UCC
Divestment is an ugly, one-sided, and unfortunately anti-Semitic ploy to keep large corporations from doing business with Israel.

As a Jew, whatever your opinion may be about the conflict in Israel, it is important to know what your neighbors are saying. Protestantism is America's largest religious denomination, they run bake sales, have cute little churches, and at their international conclaves they discuss the evils of Zionist aggression.

I am not trying to be the prophet of doom or anything, but be aware; as amazing as America has been for the Jewish people, this is not the first experience of freedom and prosperity in our long history and things can easily change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of them are saying this:

Help send more of your neighbors this way...

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets not only look at the negatives but rather the massive positives that dwarf the negatives
Christian Broadcasting Network's
Viewed by more then 1.5 billion people all over the world... they push Israel real well.

we as jews have be very careful when it comes to how we deal with the protestants without them we would be *****ed

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Pipes on many of the things he says…for example: "The two hatreds also share a basic feature: neither is susceptible to rational argument, so each is better understood as the symptom of a psychological disorder than of some arcane political logic."

Actually, I find it that many times people do have a rational argument as to why they dislike America, but we just shout as loud as we can that it's not rational to try to convince people of that. People tend to shout, reiterate others into submission instead having a rational argument (something Pipes and those who support him like to do). A typical rebuttal tends to be accusing someone of anti-Semitism or just claiming their argument, reasons, ideas are irrational.

He's a bigger danger to Jewry than almost anything else...he says things like the biggest danger to American Jewry is enfranchisement of Muslims into American society. People like him would jump all over anyone who said the same thing about Jews calling them anti-Semitic, racist, etc...

Pipe's goal is not to further Jewishness in society, but rather to be divisive with his statements and to create more's what keeps him conflict and Pipes becomes obsolete.

Perhaps its because we let in the eyes of many extremists like Pipes represent to many the face of our religion (just like Muslims let their extreme clerics do for theirs) we are getting such a bad rep these days.

Sometimes I do think that Pipe's ideas are correct, but the way he presents them and mixes them with just plain hatred and fear (paranoia) is detrimental to Jews everywhere.

4:39 PM  

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