Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I was just in NYC. I met up with a whole bunch of people from the last Aish trip to London and we went out to dinner at Dougie's. I realize that everyone hip already knows all about Dougie's, but still - I think it is appropriate to talk about our incredible meal.

I ordered the monster burger deluxe. It was a thick and juicy hamburger with pastrami and chilli sauce dumped on top. Yum yum. Best of all, it came on a huge plate (my guess is that the plate was at least 18 inches in diameter) and it was overflowing with Dougie's amazing fries. I ate until I couldn't move. The people sitting on either side of me split a plate of 24 chicken wings (I think there were really more like 40 wings on the plate) - they were awesome. Hot, spicy, tasty. The big hit of the evening was the jumbo hot dog. Dougie's listed it as an "appetizer," but it was at least a foot long and all the empty space on the plate was filled with sauerkraut.

The bill for 9 people was only about $80 (not including the tip). This is very inexpensive, especially since we were all rendered immobile after the meal. (I should note, Dougie's is now at 247 W 72 St - across the street from where they used to be.)

The best part of my trip to Dougie's though was that on the way to NYC and back I got to use my brand new EZ Pass. I zoomed through the tolls and laughed at all the people waiting on line - eat my dust suckers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dougie's is remarkably lower quality than it used to be, pre-franchising. However, I am glad you enjoyed the meal, and perhaps, some things have improved since my last visit in the spring.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tzvi you rock. That is the first and pretty much only thing i really have to say. Oh wait, and you rock inspite of being a new yorker :). I have heard of dougie's and have never tried it. See you soon

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the food absolutely inedible. The hot dog is pale and tasteless and way too big. The portion sizes are sickening. The food is too spicy-- probably as a way to mask the lack of freshness.

10:21 PM  
Blogger SemGirl said...

Deeni are you talking about the same Dougis?

The ribs there are fantastic. Its one of my favorite places to go on a date..

10:56 AM  

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