Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Diet

People have been commenting on how thin and suave I look. So here is my diet. The Rambam (Maimonides - classic awesome Jew and great thinker from back in the day) says you need to be serious about your diet - this way you can be healthy and alert to learn, not to mention to enjoy this great big beautiful world.

So this is it. I eat fruit all morning and nothing else. Then the rest of the day I do my best to avoid anything with a high glycemic index. I stay away from anything white - I eat brown bread, brown rice, no sugar (or soda or any of that). The only downer is that beer has a high glycemic index - but oh well. On Shabbos it can be hard to avoid the yummy food - especially desert.

These are my diet secrets. Everyone should get into it. My next thing is to think about exercise - I am told it is good for you too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tzvi brother, don't forget to mention the blender. You know its those blended fruit shakes that give you your athletic physique and healthy glow.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tzvi, you should try this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. It might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild.

Great job with the blog! Keep it up!

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does shwarma fit into your diet?

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are beautiful no matter how you look! eat and live!

Yakov Couzens

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

might want to read bernstein, eades, sears, or author of sugar busters. your gi index is incorrect. sugar causes lower insulin responses than many grains and fruits, which are highest on the gi. see chocolate bar and sucrose in "The Zone" and look for gi index on pubmed. Experiments show table sugar is the highest in vitamins and minerals (as molasses or bloackstrap mollases) than any grain or fruit. Plus, Rambam says not to eat fruit--- no fruits or grains in the top 20 of corinne netzer food tables. And please--- RAMBAM was a good rabbi but a terrible nutritionist by today's standards. Why is this offensive or surprising? Was Abraham, Moishe, Aaron--- any of these holy people good nutritionists. No. So, don't take offense. Read the authors above and you will not get diabetes, which is the leading cause of a heart attack and hypertriglyceridemia. Unless you're really looking for diabetes.

1:09 PM  
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12:50 AM  
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9:47 AM  
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