Friday, August 19, 2005

The Gaza Pull-out

Whatever your opinion of the Gaza pull-out may be, you have to admit that the events as they unfold are an incredible testament to the greatness of the Jewish people. Think about it, the pull-out is unpopular and unprecedented, the people who live in Gaza believe they have a religious obligation to be there and are willing to die for their beliefs - and yet, there has been no bloodshed or violence. The soldiers even put away their weapons before entering the settlements. Many of the images I've seen are of soldiers crying as they hold hands with the settlers they are expelling. In any other part of the world, an expulsion of this kind would be bloody with scores dead, indiscriminate shootings, looting - you name it.

The Jewish people may have fervent disagreements but we are all one people and these scenes prove that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're totally right about this, Tzvi. Like Bibi Netanyahu said--although he's TOTALLY against the pullout--Israel is a democracy. The vote went before the Cabinet and passed all its necessary checks and balances. Now all we can do as citizens is obey the law.
Long live that Gaza surf!

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the pullout is a mistake. I think it will only instigate more violence from the Arabs. You know what they say - give the dog a bone, he'll bite off your hand, or something like that? I am afraid. I am afraid that Israel will be deminished to nonexistence, if we succumb to the pressure from the anti-Semitic world that wants us out of it. Sharon, shame on you for cracking under peer pressure.

-Veronica Stepanova,

2:02 PM  

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