Monday, August 29, 2005

What was I thinking?

I quit coffee back in February. It seemed like a good idea at the time and I was egged on by all the hippy health food types. I had already boosted my intake of antioxidants with increased consumption of fruit and I do feel like a million bucks - BUT - now it seems that the hippies lied (big surprise) - look at this: coffee is loaded with goodness. True, I feel much better on fast days and it is nice to have the monkey off my back - I am no longer irritable in the morning before my cup of black magic - but if coffee is really healthy, maybe I should bring it back. Thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you tell me it's good for me? Pregnant with our 5th and having finally weaned myself off the lovely dark stuff... that you got me addicted to in the first place...and now you tell me it's good? Hmm! I was even drinking hippy tea for a's is back in my life. Never trust the hippy talk!

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tzvi....enjoy yourself it's later than you think....drink coffee....drink more sugar.....we all need a little do you say.....???

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like everything else "eggs are good" then "eggs are bad" "butter is good" "butter is bad" they never rest. The main thing to think about is everything in moderation. Don't get too caught up in what all those hippies say, most of it they just made up anyway.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I do not think it is very healthy. Neither is it too risky. It should only be avoided by those suffering from anxiety and sleeplessness.

This is Nancy from Israeli Uncensored News

2:27 AM  

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